Having your design printed on physical products can be a great source of joy because it presents new ways of advertising. Unfortunately, many people are disappointed by the process of getting their ideas off their computer screen and onto the page. Namely, they have issues with how the colours appear in the printed version. What causes this discrepancy, and how can you fix it before the printing takes place? 


For more information on colours and printing, here’s what you need to know:

Different Forms of Colour Picking


To understand why colours will appear differently between the screen and print product, it’s essential to know the difference between RGB colours and CMYK colours. RGB is likely the default setting of your computer or tablet monitor where you’re viewing your product digitally. It stands for red, green, and blue which are the basic building blocks of digital screens. 


On the other hand, printers typically use a CMYK colour scheme for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. If you’ve ever looked closely at a printer ink cartridge refill, chances are that you’ve noticed that these are the colours it contains. When printing an RGB design with a CMYK printer, you will have a slight difference in how the colours appear. 

How To Correct Colour Discrepancies


The best thing to do to avoid colour discrepancies between digital pictures and actual physical products is to convert designs to CMYK. This can usually be done by the graphic designer who created your images. Alternatively, some printers will also offer this service to get you as close as possible to the realistic image that will show up when printed. 


You may find that you need to tweak some colours when you make the transition from RGB to CMYK. This is normal and may even be expected. While the differences are likely to be minor, be sure to look closely at the finished product to make sure the colours match. 

Screen Resolution and Colour


Keep in mind that some screens will show the colour differently than how it will appear when printed. This is largely due to the resolution of your screen and can’t really be helped. Some colours may appear darker on lower-resolution screens, like those on smartphones or small tablets. 


Be sure to view your design on a screen with the highest resolution possible to get it as accurate as possible prior to printing your items. 

Talk With the Experts


Before you have something printed, it’s a good idea to let the experts take a closer look at your colours. PrintPro offers comprehensive printing services in Winnipeg, and we can help you get the finished product that you have from your screen onto the page or product of choice. We’d love to talk with you about RGB, CMYK, and screen resolution to ensure you get a top-notch print on your next project!