With the dramatically increased competition in the mailbox, your direct mail is a needle in a haystack, meaning you have to work extra hard to get any real ROI. And this is where lumpiness can help increase opening rates.

Wondering what lumpy mail is? Lumpy mail is simply mail that has got an unexpected bulk to it due to the contents. The contents include more than just a piece of paper - there could be some customized gift items like a fridge magnet, a stress ball, flashlight, anything you deem fit to send to your prospect. Lumpy mails maximize on human curiosity. Your prospect holding lumpy mail will wonder what’s inside and chances are high they will open the mail. Now, like with most marketing strategies, there are some rules to abide by. Winnipeg printing services takes you through five ideas that will help you gain more clients

1.     Mailing Timing Needs to be Right

When in your prospect’s life would they need your product or service most?  Are they having an upcoming event where your service or product would offer a solution? There is a lot to consider when choosing the right time but the bottom line is that the timing has to be right. You need to show up when it matters most to your prospect and this will make you a priority in their mind and most likely stimulate action.

2.     Choose a Compelling Gift

As aforementioned, part of your lumpy mail should be a gift item. As you think of a compelling gift to send your target, you need to keep in mind that your prospects are of different personalities, likes, and dislikes. This means that you probably can’t pick a one-size-fits-all gift item and expect it to impress all your targets.  Profiling customer data can provide you with valuable insights into your buyer persona which in turn can help you know their preferences. Leveraging on data, whether in your historical records or outsourced, will create a 360-degree view of who your prospects really are.

3.     Don’t Forget Their Name

Names take things a notch higher in regards to personalization. You should address your prospects by their names and this means you need to have done your homework. If you misspell their names or use the wrong names altogether, you’ll have yourself to blame for losing a potential sale.

4.      A Gift item is Not Enough

The gift may thrill your prospects, but so should your newsletter. The gift is bait, the newsletter should be the real deal; it should capture your target's mind and make them, even more, intrigued to learn more about you. You need to use the right words, fonts, and graphics to convey what’s in it for your target and why they should care. While at it, include authentic testimonials that highlight why other customers choose you over your competitors.

5.     The Offer

And lastly, all the above ideas won’t win your prospect if your deal doesn’t make the cut. If you want a real ROI, give your target the right offer (include some discounts, prices etc.), and don’t let this offer be everlasting. By this, we mean that putting an expiry date on your offer creates a sense of urgency in return, prompts quick action.

As we conclude, just know that direct mail is not in a cryogenic freeze and neither is it dead. Depending on how creative you get, using lumpy mail can be a highly effective marketing tool.