Digital marketing is all the rage nowadays, but there’s nothing wrong with a tried-and-true method of advertising - booklets are an effective way to market your business. They’re aesthetically pleasing, informative, and easy to read. Booklets don’t require a power source to function, making them accessible from anywhere, at any time. People appreciate the authenticity of paper promotions. Here are some ways that your business can utilize booklets to publicize your services and values:


Brochures. Advertise upcoming sales in an eye-catching way with a brochure. Raise awareness about the products your business offers with this great promotional tool. Market items or specials that customers may not be aware of - learning that they’re on sale can entice them to make a purchase.


Newsletters. Share the exciting developments of your business in a non-intrusive way. Customers will be eager to learn more about your practices and values when they’re highlighted in a colourful and stylish booklet. When clients read about your business, they’ll feel like they’re a part of it; newsletters promote trust and brand recognition. 


Product catalogues. Does your business sell a wide array of goods? Organize your inventory in a way that’s accessible to customers by printing a product catalogue. Consumers can see what you have to offer, and read specifications about items they’re interested in.


How-to guides. People love DIY methods. A booklet can share tips on how customers should assemble your products. Show off your expertise when it comes to the services that you offer. Products that require setup will benefit from how-to booklets that tell customers about installation. You can also share helpful information that is related to your field; for example, a dentist can create a booklet about how to take optimal care of teeth. These paper products will give your company more credibility in your field. 


Portfolios. Demonstrate the stunning work that your business can do with a full-colour portfolio. This is an excellent choice for companies that specialize in photography or interior design. You can showcase new products and highlight their best qualities by utilizing a portfolio. 


Before and after booklets. Take advantage of visual media with a booklet that can stun readers with the quality of your work. This can be useful for various industries, from home improvement to cosmetics. They can highlight the differences that your products or services will make in your customer’s life.


Employee training manuals. Tired of teaching the same principles over and over to new employees? Your business can benefit from instructional material that outlines important aspects of the job. Training manuals present information in an easily digestible way. They will save you on printing costs for future trainees since you can reuse it for your next new employee. 

Booklets are an affordable method to promote your business in a personal way. Convinced that your company could benefit from this service? You may be searching for printing companies in Winnipeg; Print Pro can offer you the expert help you require -  we provide design consultations to assist you in creating the perfect booklet for your business. From coil bound to saddle stitched, our team can print booklets that are straightforward and alluring to the eye.